Uhlobo lwe-MCPPHERSON luyenziwa ozimeleyo alunambutho, i-axis i-axis ngumgca wengqungquthela, kwaye ihambelana ne-axis ye-axtorberber. When the wheel jumps up and down, the lower fulcrum swings with the swing arm, so the axis of the wheel and the kingpin swings with it, and the inclination of the wheel and the kingpin and the wheel pitch will change.
Ukumiswa kwamathuba amaninzi
Uhlobo lwekhonkco elinamaqela amaninzi lubekwe ngokuzimeleyo kangangeentolo ezintathu ukuya kwezihlanu eziqhagamshela kwaye zingentla, ezinokubonelela ngolawulo kwimikhombandlela ezininzi, ukuze itayini inengoma yokuqhuba ethembekileyo. Ukumiswa konxibelelwano oluninzi lwenziwa ikakhulu inkinga yekhonkco elininzi, i-absurber yothusa kunye nokutshiza intwasahlobo. Esi sikhokelo sesikhokelo samkela intonga ukuba inyamezele kwaye idlulisele amandla amandulo, amandla athe nkqo kunye namandla amade. I-PIN ephambili i-axis yokumiswa kwezixhobo ezisebenzayo ezininzi kwibhola esezantsi kwi-hinge ephantsi ukuya kwindawo ephezulu.