I-Bumper inenkuselo yokhuseleko, umhombiso kunye nokuphucula iimpawu zemoto kunye nezinye izinto, khusela imbono ye-buffer ephantsi, kwaye kwimozulu yemoto kunye ne-Pronest nayo inokudlala indima ethile ekukhuseleni abahamba ngeenyawo.
Remove the bumper and find that the left side of the bumper was bumped into a groove, that is, the location of the bumper fracture needs to be replaced with a new bumper bumper bumper bumper bumper function is, can in the event of an accident to reduce the damage of the trunk, tail door, tail light set and other parts of the chrome strip below the bumper has damage, After it is removed for replacement, the plastic Umpu we-welding uqhele ukufudumeza kunye nokwenza i-rocks ngasemva, kwaye iplastiki ye-Welding ye-Welding ishushu ngelixa ihamba ecaleni kweendlela. I-Sainder yombane isetyenziselwa ukupakisha i-Poliling joyinti ePhakamileyo kwaye igudileyo egudileyo yepeyinti yepeyinti kunye nevili le-grind le-greind grind. Emva kwethuba lokuqala, i-DATTY iyomiswe ngokupheleleyo, kwaye isanti yobunzima obuqhelekileyo isetyenziselwa ukulungisa kwaye yoyile, kwaye emva koko i-chrome ifakelwe i-Bumper